Thursday, November 1, 2007

Otter's water plans dry on details (Idaho)

Published October 31, 2007
Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter announced last week plans for several Magic Valley water-conservation projects that could provide the city of Twin Falls with an additional water source, recharge springs that feed the aquaculture industry and pay farmers to stop irrigating as much as 20,000 acres of farmland.

Springs that provide water to fish farms have declined dramatically in recent years, reducing fish production by 250,000 annually at lower Snake River hatcheries. Otter's proposals call for rerouting spring water and pumping water back into the springs, but Marshall expects the projects to have nominal benefits for his hatcheries.

Among the proposals, the governor wants to transfer 775,200 gallons of water at Alpheus Springs, currently used by the Blue Lakes Country Club Golf Course for irrigation, to the city of Twin Falls for drinking water.

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